Stop Pretending Antisemitism is Just a PR Problem

We Stand Against Hate’—Unless You’re Jewish

I've been in this industry longer than some of its self-proclaimed "thought leaders" have been alive.

And as a very visibly Orthodox Jew, let me tell you—it’s like showing up to a country club in a spacesuit. The stares, the awkward half-smiles, the “so… what exactly are you?” expressions. And then, of course, the comments. Oh, the comments.

Some are just garden-variety ignorance—“Wait, I heard Orthodox Jews don’t believe in Jesus?” (Mazel tov, you’ve cracked the code on the entire premise of Judaism.) Others are more insidious, delivered with that condescending “I’m just curious” tone that people use when they really mean, “I’m going to challenge your right to exist.” And my personal favorite: the unsolicited lectures from people who claim to have a Jewish great-great-grandparent and think that gives them the authority to explain my own faith to me.

Let’s not pretend this industry hasn’t had a long history of keeping Jews on the margins. Ad agencies had unwritten (and sometimes written) rules against hiring Jews, ensuring the executive suites stayed “clean.” The doors cracked open in the 1960s, but cracks don’t mean the foundation changed. The same biases, the same exclusion—just wrapped in more polite language.

And then there’s anti-Judaism, the cousin of antisemitism that too many people ignore. It’s not about hating Jews as people, it’s about dismissing Jewish beliefs with smug superiority. It’s the know-it-alls who barely know what a mezuzah is but feel entitled to tell me what I should believe. And somehow, it’s usually the same people who call themselves “culturally sensitive” because they eat bagels and once watched Fiddler on the Roof.

I’ve cut ties with PR firms that refused to acknowledge blatant antisemitism because, apparently, it’s fine to make sweeping generalizations about Jews as long as you couch it in “we’re just asking questions” nonsense.

And those questions?

Always the same: Why do Jews control X? Why do Jews believe Y? Why aren’t Jews speaking out about Z? Funny how no one ever asks these things about any other group. Just us.

Then there’s the industry's favorite game: pretending antisemitism doesn’t exist while loudly proclaiming their commitment to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—unless you’re Jewish, in which case, good luck). Brands will slap their logo on every social justice movement, but when Jewish employees flag antisemitism? Silence. Or worse, gaslighting: Are you sure it was antisemitic? Maybe you’re reading too much into it. Right, because history has shown that Jews are known for overreacting to this kind of thing.

And let’s talk about social media—the cesspool where antisemitism has become a viral marketing opportunity. Hate spreads faster than a meme, and advertising dollars are happily funding platforms that host full-blown Jew-hatred disguised as “free speech.” Major brands are still getting caught with their ads running alongside neo-Nazi content, and the response is always the same: Oh, we had no idea! Sure. Just like you had no idea that hiring exclusively from your country club resulted in zero diversity.

It’s not just the overt hate—it’s the quiet complicity. Agencies keep running campaigns with influencers who spread antisemitic conspiracy theories. Brands make splashy PR moves about fighting hate while quietly pulling back from supporting Jewish causes. Executives think including one token Jew in their DEI report means they’ve done the work.

And let’s be clear: this isn’t just some abstract moral issue. It’s a business one. The same industry that prides itself on understanding audiences is willfully ignoring one of the oldest, most persecuted, and most resilient communities. If you can’t grasp why that’s a problem, you’re in the wrong business.

So, I’m starting Advertising Against Antisemitism—not to expose or attack anyone, but to use my voice, to use the market, to raise awareness, educate, and change this industry.

This isn’t a hard choice. It’s the right one.

And I invite others to stand with me.

Ari Paparo, Allison Schiff, Shelly Rodgers, Jim Cooper, Will Lee—this is bigger than any industry squabbles. Let’s put aside any possible differences we have about adtech and move forward together.

Antisemitism isn’t some niche issue, and it’s not just about Kanye.

It’s happening in boardrooms, in hiring decisions, in media buys. It’s time to take a stand.

Pesach Lattin, Editor & Founder
[email protected] 

America loves to pat itself on the back for being a melting pot, but let’s be honest—it’s more of a pressure cooker where anyone who doesn’t fit the recipe gets scorched. This isn’t just about Orthodox Jews; it’s about anyone who dares to exist outside the beige, cargo-shorted definition of “mainstream America.” You know, the people who think cultural diversity means adding a taco night to their meal plan.

Take my wife. She covers her hair and works in a public school. And because this country excels in both willful ignorance and unsolicited opinions, she’s constantly mistaken for a Muslim and treated accordingly. (She’s not.)

But she doesn’t bother correcting them, because let’s face it—trying to educate someone who already sees difference as a threat is like arguing with a chatbot stuck in 1953. Pointless.

We aren’t a zoo. We aren’t some anthropological curiosity to be studied at a safe distance. And if you consider yourself a “mainstream American” (whatever that means in a country built by immigrants and run by billionaires pretending to be folksy), maybe take a moment to realize the world doesn’t revolve around your mayonnaise-infused reality.

There are millions of people who don’t look, think, or live like you. And they don’t owe you an explanation. The real problem isn’t diversity—it’s the people who think their comfort level is the gold standard for how everyone else should exist.

DEI Doesn’t Mean “Don’t Include Jews”

Let’s get one thing straight: If your diversity initiatives conveniently forget to mention antisemitism, you’re not actually fighting hate—you’re just curating your outrage for maximum applause.

The advertising industry loves to position itself as a beacon of inclusivity.

Panels! Summits! LinkedIn posts filled with all the right buzzwords!

But when it comes to confronting antisemitism, suddenly, everyone loses their voice. If there’s a PR-friendly movement to jump on, brands are all in.

But standing up for Jews? That’s when the excuses start rolling in. “It’s complicated.” “We don’t want to alienate anyone.” “We’re just asking questions.” Right.

And I’m just rolling my eyes so hard they’re about to dislocate.

Step One: Stop Pretending Antisemitism Is an Afterthought

Newsflash: Jews don’t just sometimes experience hate. Antisemitism isn’t some rare, niche issue that pops up only when Kanye West has a meltdown. It’s an ancient, deeply embedded form of discrimination that persists, in new packaging, century after century. And yet, when companies roll out their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) reports, Jews are often left out—or worse, lumped into vague “white-adjacent” categories that erase our history, our struggles, and our very identity.

Let me be clear: If your company claims to be anti-hate but remains silent when antisemitism rears its ugly head, you are not inclusive. You are selective. And let’s not pretend we don’t see through it.

Step Two: Hold Platforms Accountable—Or Admit You’re Complicit

Big brands love to make a show of their values—until those values require actual accountability. Social media has become a megaphone for antisemitic conspiracy theories, yet ad dollars continue flowing into platforms that allow this garbage to thrive. Sure, some brands pause advertising when a scandal breaks, but the moment the headlines fade? Right back in the pool.

If you’re a CMO or media buyer still pouring money into platforms that profit off hate speech, let’s just say it plainly: You’re complicit. You know where your ads are running. You know what kind of content is being monetized. Stop playing dumb.

And don’t give me the “we don’t control where our ads go” excuse. You control exactly where your ads go when it comes to brand safety concerns for other groups. So why is it that antisemitism is always a blind spot?

Antisemitism in the workplace isn’t just some abstract problem floating in the ether—it’s a harsh reality backed by cold, hard data. And the numbers for 2024 and 2025 paint a grim picture of bias, discrimination, and outright hostility that Jewish professionals are facing on the job. Here’s the rundown:

  1. Nearly one in three Jewish employees (30%) have either experienced or actively avoided antisemitic incidents at work in the past year. That’s according to a February 2024 report from the American Jewish Committee (AJC). Let that sink in—this isn’t just a handful of isolated incidents; it’s a systemic issue where Jews are weighing their safety before even stepping into a meeting.

  2. Jewish employees are hit with more microaggressions and workplace discrimination than their Muslim colleagues. A study by Pearn Kandola from June 2024 found that Jewish professionals were more likely to face casual yet insidious biases at work—comments, exclusion, subtle digs—all adding up to a workplace environment that’s far from inclusive.

  3. Antisemitic incidents across the board skyrocketed by 140% in 2023, hitting an all-time high of 8,873 cases. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) crunched the numbers, and while this isn’t just workplace-specific, it’s impossible to pretend this kind of hate doesn’t seep into professional spaces. If antisemitism is breaking records in society, it’s absolutely showing up in the office.

  4. Jewish job candidates face nearly a 25% harder time getting that crucial first response from employers. An ADL-sponsored study from late 2024 revealed that Jewish applicants get ghosted at a higher rate than their Western European counterparts—because, apparently, even hiring bias needs a scapegoat.

  5. Israeli Americans have it even worse—having to send 39% more job applications to land the same number of positive responses as their Western European peers. If you think antisemitism is just some relic of the past, explain why Jewish candidates in 2024 are practically fighting an uphill battle just to get an interview.

  6. Jewish professionals are more reluctant to discuss their religion at work than their Muslim colleagues. The fear isn’t paranoia; it’s based on real experiences of exclusion and backlash. Keeping quiet becomes a survival mechanism.

  7. Physical harassment against Jewish employees is higher than what Muslim employees report. This isn’t just about mean looks or snide remarks—Jewish professionals are facing outright intimidation and, in some cases, physical hostility in spaces that are supposed to be professional.

The bottom line? The workplace is far from a safe haven. These numbers don’t just suggest an uncomfortable work environment; they reveal an outright hostile one for many Jewish professionals. And ignoring it won’t make it go away.

Step Three: Hire Jewish Employees—And Actually Listen to Them

This one should be obvious, but somehow it’s not. Hiring Jewish employees doesn’t just mean sprinkling a few into junior roles and calling it a day. It means putting Jews in actual leadership positions—ones where they have the power to make decisions, shape policies, and call out antisemitic nonsense before it turns into a full-blown crisis.

And here’s a wild thought: Once you hire them, listen to them. If your Jewish employees say something is antisemitic, believe them the first time. Don’t gaslight them with, “Oh, are you sure? Maybe it wasn’t meant that way.” Jews don’t get the luxury of misunderstanding centuries of persecution.

And while we’re at it—stop treating us like a monolith. Judaism is a diverse, global community, not just a handful of media-friendly stereotypes. Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, religious, secular—we’re not all the same, and pretending we are is just another way to erase us.

Step Four: Acknowledge Anti-Judaism as Its Own Issue

Antisemitism gets all the headlines, but anti-Judaism—the outright rejection and mockery of Jewish religious beliefs—is just as pervasive. This industry is full of executives who would never dare mock another religion but think it’s perfectly fine to dismiss Jewish observance as outdated or inconvenient.

I can’t count how many times I’ve been made to feel like an inconvenience in this industry just for existing as an observant Jew. Kosher dietary restrictions? “Ugh, why can’t you just eat vegetarian?” Needing to leave early for Shabbat? “Wow, must be nice to have a weekly holiday!” Right, because explaining to an entire room why I can’t check email on Saturday is definitely a luxury.

If your company is rolling out inclusive policies for religious minorities but still making observant Jews feel unwelcome, guess what? You’re part of the problem.

Step Five: Call Out Antisemitism—Not Just When It’s Easy

It’s easy to tweet about fighting antisemitism after a synagogue attack makes national news. It’s easy to throw in a generic “we stand against hate” statement when the backlash is big enough. You know what’s hard? Speaking up when there’s no PR pressure to do so. Calling it out when it’s happening in your own industry. Standing up for Jews even when it might not be the popular thing to do.

Because let’s be real—most people in this industry only call out antisemitism when there’s zero risk involved. They want to be seen as “good allies,” but only when it doesn’t require them to challenge actual power structures. If you’re only against hate when it’s convenient, you’re not against hate at all.

Final Thought: Either Mean It, Or Stop Pretending

Inclusion is either for everyone, or it’s for no one. You don’t get to pick and choose which types of hate are worth fighting based on how easy they are to market. If your company claims to be committed to diversity but treats antisemitism like an afterthought, your DEI statement is nothing more than corporate cosplay.

So here’s the challenge: Next time you hear an antisemitic remark, don’t brush it off. Next time your company releases a DEI initiative, ask why Jews aren’t mentioned. Next time an ad platform profits from antisemitic content, pull your money—not just for a week, but until they actually do something about it.

Because the advertising industry loves to talk about inclusion. It’s time to actually mean it.

Stay bold. Stay curious. And stop pretending Jews are invisible.

Oh, you want the unvarnished truth? Here it is: Being an Orthodox Jew in business isn't just about dodging the usual industry nonsense—it's about dealing with an entirely separate, vicious layer of hate that people pretend doesn't exist.

In 2011, a group of so-called "affiliate marketers" (read: scammers with a LinkedIn profile) decided they didn’t like that I was calling out their garbage tactics. So what did they do? They launched a full-blown antisemitic harassment campaign. We’re talking about actually calling my clients and telling them, flat-out, that if they did business with me, a Jew, they’d be put out of business.

That’s right—this wasn’t some fringe Reddit troll nonsense. It was real-world, straight-up extortion laced with hate.

One client, SiteImpact, found themselves in the middle of it when their CEO got exposed and arrested for data theft. The choice they were given? Fire me, publicly slander me with antisemitic garbage, or be taken down themselves. Instead, they paid a ransom. That’s how bad it got.

And it didn’t stop there. The FBI, police, and my attorneys got involved. We tracked these guys down, pressed charges, sued them into oblivion. One got arrested. Another—perhaps realizing there was no escaping the consequences—ended up committing suicide in San Diego.

And here’s the kicker: No one in the industry batted an eye. Because back then, in 2011, apparently it was still acceptable to slander a Jew in business as long as you wrapped it in corporate-speak. Like, “Oh no, we’re not being antisemitic, we’re just looking out for our company.” It was the most surreal and revealing moment of my career.

So what did I do? Launched Performance Marketing Insider, took on the entire industry, and made millions while watching these frauds eat themselves alive. Because if they were going to try and run me out, I was going to run the table. And I did.